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About Akshara

Pondering over many domains of education I’m reminded of the prescient words of Winston Churchill who says, “The empires of the future will be the empires of the mind”. Though education is not only the training of the mind, this aspect seems to occupy prominence. It must be surely contested for, “Education is inherently and inevitably an issue of human goals and human values”. Education is the basic ingredient for achieving full human potential.
When Humans understand that good education will aim at economic development, social justice and equality, scientific advancement and cultural preservation and environmental preservation, the world shall be a better place to live and live fully.

Establish a qualitative learning center with the state of art facilities to uplift the quality of education and life style of the people around.

AIM To impart functional and much required quality education intermingled with value, emotional and mind kindling
activities that will be sustained for long. To create holistic and wholesome personalities equipped with 21st century potentials.

Having found the locale, roped in few like-minded and philanthropic persons, established a trust under which the school should function. As per the first minutes of the trust, the body that will run the show of the school was to be known as “ARIVAGAM EDUCATION TRUST”.
The present first floor saw the light and the school commenced on JUNE 1,2018 with classes for kindergarten and primary section till grade IV.

As if people were waiting for this centre of learning came in good numbers to join the school.
In the first year itself the admission was overwhelming. It reached a comfortable figure of 312.
It’s surely an indication of the parents aspiring good education. Rightly it becomes onerous job on the part of the school to meet the demand.

However beautiful the structure, the ambience etc, it will remain only in appearance unless the job done by faculty is good, relevant to the demands of time.
After a thorough search, screening 25 members were chosen to be faculty members. Our vision and mission clear to us, we did train the faculty to keep abreast of the sensitivity of the children, care and knowledge imparting to the optimum level.

We follow NCERT syllabus based books. We try to incorporate the best in terms of giving the children the essentials in their fundamentals. Spoken English classes, Vedic and Mind mathematics etc… are given thrust..
For the children who did not receive the required skills in academics in the previous schools we identify such children and give special thrust to them. Reading and Handwriting skills are part of the curriculum. Value and Moral education is given and children are educated to respect the elders, and their parents etc.
We strongly believe, learning must be enjoyable, relevant to the ability of the children and suitable to the time .Hence we teach the children some fundamentals in native Martial art, Dance forms both Western and Classical, Chess, Keyboard, Drawing and Painting etc… Children relish such activities.

All classes are equipped with Smart boards. Teachers can use as much as possible their teaching visuals. Learning in this way becomes enjoyable and easy to comprehend the prescribed lessons and taught higher order thinking (HOT).
Teachers are given training is using various educational tools. We have a pucca library with lot of books. Children are encouraged to use the library develop reading habits and prepare various project works etc. with the assistance of teachers. In this way Holistic education is given importance.
Children are encouraged to participate in the tournaments, competitions and so many other school activities. In order to give fillip to physical development various skills are taught in the form of indoor and outdoor play activities.

It gives me much pleasure to write few lines in our school’s website.
Ever since I started my teaching career which was my passion, I would like to confirm this inner desire with a Tamil saying.. “தன்னிடம் இருப்பதை தருவது தானம், தனக்குள் இருப்பதை தருவது ஞானம்” possibly this desire made me an exceptional in all the schools I animated over four decades or so.Treat the child with love and respect the child learns and returns the same to whom all it comes into contact. The future of the Nation depends on what we teach them today. Education must be development of healthy relationship, mind kindling learning activities and application in our life!
Wishes in tons!